♥ Quirky Illustrations and Original Art + Dolls and Mischief ♥
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A Disclaimer
This blog is not about drab colours and boring grown up concerns. This is a world of pinks...lots of pinks and sickeningly sweet concoctions and confections. If you are on a sugarless diet I must urge you to exit. This is a girlie world of big eyes and sweet mischief so if you are into snips and snails and puppy dog tails then this isn't the place for you. This is a world of eternal childishness and cupcakes...tea parties and chocolate, (and occasional mischief). If you want to still enter then... You have been warned.
My poor container garden has been neglected by me ever since I returned to the world of the day job. What was once a thriving crop has now reduced to a pathetic wasteland of thirsty and desperate roots. I did manage to water this weekend but really, am I just prolonging their misery?